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Admirals Dive Site

St Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
Admirals Point Aspotogan.jpg
Admirals Point Ocean View.JPG
Certification Level:  Novice


You'll park at the end of the cul-de-sac, walk down one of the paths down to the water.  An enjoyable shallow dive with lots of marine line to be seen. There is a small beach area which is great, making a fairly easy entry


There is lots of parking at the end of the road, where rocks block off the end.


There are no rest room facilities at the site.

Site Entry/Exit

After the short walk down to the water, you'll be easily about to enter the water

Points of interest/natural navigation aids:

Divers exploring this site can see a variety of sea life including lobsters, crabs, flounder, nudibranchs

Bottom Composition & Depth:

Rocks covered with growth, kelp, sandy rock bottom with Maximum depth is approx 35ft/10m, if your interested in a long swim you may be able to get more depth 45ft/13.7m


Visibility varies based on many influences including the weather - rain runoff, wind and waves - the tides and the time of the day.  Improved visibility may be experienced during slack high tide.  Visibility of 30ft to 40ft/9m to 12m is not uncommon for this site.


 Admirals Point, Aspotagan,  Nova Scotia

More Information and pictures Coming Soon
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