Scooter Ashton joined the Tails of ECSW by pure accident! Swayze was visiting the vet due to his diabetes and Igne from Pick of the Litter Society had this small fur ball in her hands. Tracy's always had a soft spot for grey kittens, Ashton reached with his two paws to Tracy and it was love at first kiss and the rest is all history! This little boy has character! He picked up the 2nd name for his zooming, zooming zooming around around the shop at a young age; much like a diver would do on a Scooter! Scooter much like Kaia and Swayze in he doesn't touch dive gear but loves hanging out at there favourite dive shop. Scooters official title as the shop comes from his need to inspect everything but not touch anything other then playing with boxes and seeing what staff are up to. If you are looking to adopt a sweet fur friend please reach out to Pick of the Litter Society and follow them on Facebook!

Check out Kaia and Swayze's adventures on instagram https://www.instagram.com/tailsofECSW/
Scooter Ashton
Head of Quality Control